lokale Description



Cheap company address and mail service in Køge Denmark, useful if your business needs a Danish department. Located at Office Hotel Værftet in the center of Køge.

You can, with our address service (and mail service), use the Office Hotel Værftet address as your virtual company address, without having to rent expensive commercial spaces at other office hotels.

You get our mail service included in the package, as we send you a text message with a picture of your letters and packages. This way, you can decide for yourself when you have time to pick them up, thereby saving time.

Køge is one of the fastest growing cities in Denmark, and is known for a preference for local business! A virtual company address at the Office Hotel Værftet puts you at the front of the line for business in the municipality.

You will be featured on our resident page if you wish, and to the extent that there is space! And you can have your logo displayed on our company sign facing Carlsensvej.

You can upgrade your company address to a co-working space in our office community at Værftet at any time! And gain access to our great facilities and network! A unique service among office hotels!

Office Hotel Værftet is situated in Køge’s charming old boatyard down by Køge Å, and encompasses 260 m².

We have 20 office spaces in total, and additionally a reception, 2 meeting rooms, a kitchen, bathrooms with showers, a lecture hall, a cloakroom, and a small lounge.

Contact us by mail: Lars@Vaerftet.biz or phone: +0045 2216 0483.
If you are interested in Værftets address service and mail service. We can usually get your company address set up within one day! Many companies in Køge are already using the Shipyard as a virtual company address!


Benny Christen Grandahl

An amazingly cozy, rustic, and delightful office hotel with an interesting storytelling, good meeting facilities, and an always flexible, accommodating, and smiling “foreman”, who is willing to go many extra steps to meet your needs for everything.

Highly recommended for everyone who needs a cozy workplace on a daily basis, a good meeting room, or a venue for their event – even with the option for online streaming and video recordings.

The perfect home base for our small business.

Erik Martin

We have had our business address at the Shipyard in Køge for almost 2 years now. When there has been mail, we have received a text message with a picture. Reliable service – which can be highly recommended. Thank you for the good mood and cooperation.

Erik MartinOwner - Koffeinfri.dk

Based on 45 reviews
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Karin van Deurs
07:10 15 Sep 22
De sidste 2 dage har vi holdt workshop 9-16 i et lokale på Værftet i Køge. Helt fantastisk udsigt med mulighed for at strække benene langs Køge Å, godt lokale med projekter, whiteboard etc. - alt fungere fremrangende og servicen var i top med fuld forplejning. Vi var kun 3 til workshoppen, men man kan sagtens være flere i lokalet. Det kan virkelig anbefales og vi håber på at komme igen snart.P.S. De har også arbejdspladser man kan leje sig ind på som freelancer...
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